Coding Wizard

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14. HTML5 APIs

HTML5 created many important APIs which greatly enhance the functionality of web applications. They give developers an opportunity to use new features such as getting the users’ current location, storage in browsers, graphics rendering, and background scripts running. In this chapter, some of the most important HTML5 APIs are considered: their implementation, advantages, and possible uses.

14.1 Introduction to HTML5 APIs

HTML5 APIs are a standardized mechanism to develop dynamic web applications independent of third-party plug-ins. Instead, these APIs are intrinsic parts of the browser and can make features and functionalities much better integrated.

Key Features of HTML5 APIs
  1. Native Support: Modern web browsers support HTML5 APIs, hence developers can use them without compatibility issues or additional software.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Interactive applications, which can respond to anything any user submits to an application so that it can update in real time and allow sites to seem far more dynamic and interesting to users.
  3. Standardization: The HTML5 APIs are implemented based on consistency across different devices and platforms. Thus, the applications can be built by developers with the functionality to be similar on desktops, tablets, or any smartphone.
  4. Improved Performance: It allows features that were once dependent upon plugins or awkward code for web applications to run more efficiently, so they work faster and more efficiently too.

Interactive Activity:

  • Task: Identify three additional HTML5 APIs not discussed in this chapter. For each API, describe its goal, the primary functions that it offers, and explain with examples how it can be applied in web development.

14.2 Geolocation API

The Geolocation API is an API that allows access to a user’s geographical location. This can be used in a variety of ways including for displaying map services, location-based marketing, and personalized content delivery.

How to Use the Geolocation API
  1. Check for Browser Support: You will need to check if the user’s browser supports the Geolocation API.
   if ("geolocation" in navigator) {
       console.log("Geolocation is supported!");
   } else {
       console.log("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");
  1. Get User Location: The location of the user’s current location can be obtained by using the getCurrentPosition() method. Example:
       function(position) {
           const lat = position.coords.latitude;
           const long = position.coords.longitude;
           console.log(`Latitude: ${lat}, Longitude: ${long}`);
       function(error) {
           console.error("Error getting location: ", error);
  1. Error Handling: It is best practice to include error handling when the user does not grant permission or the location could not be determined.

Permissions and Privacy:
A web application requesting a user’s location would allow the user to decide whether to grant access to such or not. It is imperative to explain why such location data needs to be accessed to be trusted by users.

Real-World Applications:

  • Mapping Services: The Geolocation API can be utilized by applications such as Google Maps in the service of navigation and location-based functionalities.
  • Weather Applications: Websites offering weather forecasts may avail localized forecasts by fetching the users’ current locations.

Interactive Activity:

  • Exercise: Create a web page that gets a user’s location and puts a centered Google Maps embed at that location. At the same time, using a reverse geocoding API, show the address of the user.

14.3 Web Storage API (LocalStorage, SessionStorage)

The Web Storage API gives an easy and fast way to store data within the client-side browser. There are two flavors of this API:

  • Local Storage: This storage, although it persists across closing and reopening the browser, is best used to store user preferences or settings.
  • Session Storage: The storage is available only for the duration during which a browser tab remains open. It’s useful for temporary data which need not persist across sessions.
Using the Web Storage API:
  1. Data Storage:
    To save data in the storage, you can use setItem() method, which takes two arguments: the key and the value. Example:
   // Local Storage
   localStorage.setItem("username", "JohnDoe");

   // Session Storage
   sessionStorage.setItem("sessionID", "12345");
  1. Retrieve Data:
    You can use the getItem() method to retrieve the saved data.
   const username = localStorage.getItem("username");
   const sessionID = sessionStorage.getItem("sessionID");
   console.log(`Username: ${username}, Session ID: ${sessionID}`);
  1. Remove Data:
    You can remove an item from the storage using the removeItem() method.
  1. Clear Data:
    If you want to erase all items in the storage, you can use the clear method.
   localStorage.clear(); // Clears all local storage
   sessionStorage.clear(); // Clears all session storage

Real-World Applications:

  • User Preferences: Store user settings such as themes or layouts.
  • Shopping Carts: Store items in a shopping cart until the user completes their purchase.

Interactive Activity:

  • Task: Create a simple web application in which users can select their theme-light or dark mode and save it into Local Storage. During subsequent visits to the page, it should load the theme chosen.

14.4 Canvas API for 2D Drawing

The Canvas API allows for pretty useful and powerful drawing graphics directly on the web page. This is often used to create graphics, animations, and games.

How to Use the Canvas API
  1. Create a Canvas Element: Create a Canvas Element: Add a <canvas> element to your HTML.
   <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="400"></canvas>
  1. Access the Drawing Context: Using JavaScript get the rendering context which lets you draw on the canvas. Example:
   const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
   const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

   // Draw a rectangle
   ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
   ctx.fillRect(50, 50, 150, 100);
  1. Drawing Shapes and Images:
    The Canvas API makes some methods available to draw several shapes of different types, including text and images. Example: Drawing a Circle
   ctx.arc(200, 200, 50, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
   ctx.fillStyle = "red";
  1. Images:
    You can use the drawImage() method to draw images into the canvas.
   const img = new Image();
   img.src = 'path/to/image.jpg';
   img.onload = function() {
       ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10);

Real-World Applications:

  • Games: The Canvas API is widely used by developers to render graphics.
  • Data Visualization: Charts and graphs can be generated using canvas for interactive data displays.

Interactive Activity:

  • Task: A simple drawing application where user’s use his mouse to draw on the canvas, which would contain attributes to change color of pencil, clear canvas, and save their drawing

14.5 Web Workers API

Web Workers allow scripts to run in the background. They help with intensive computations that do not block the user interface. This is very important to use when doing heavy processing inside web apps.

Using Web Workers
  1. Create a Worker Script: Create a separate file that includes a JavaScript file holding the code intended to run in the background. worker.js:
   self.onmessage = function(e) {
       const result = * 2; // Example processing
  1. Worker Instantiation: Create a new worker using the Worker constructor. Example:
   const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

   worker.onmessage = function(e) {
       console.log('Result from worker: ',;

   worker.postMessage(10); // Send data to worker
  1. Worker Termination: If you want to shut down a worker once it’s no longer needed, you can terminate() the worker.

Web Worker Usage Cases:

  • Data Processing: Run large datasets or complex calculations in the background.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis: Not block the UI by processing data from APIs.

Interactive Activity:

  • Task: Create a web application where a calculation—like generating Fibonacci numbers—is done in the background by using a Web Worker. Print out on the main thread once the calculation is complete.

Quizz Time:

1. What is the primary purpose of HTML5 APIs?
2. Which method is used to retrieve the user’s location using the Geolocation API?
3. Which of the following is true about Local Storage and Session Storage?
4. Which method is used to draw a rectangle using the Canvas API?
5. What is the role of Web Workers in HTML5?
6. Which of the following is a correct use of the Web Storage API?
7. What is required to start using a Web Worker?


HTML5 APIs provide developers with some very powerful tools to make web applications interactive and engaging. By using the Geolocation API, the Web Storage API, Canvas API, and Web Workers API, the new user experience enhancements can find form in the modern web applications that work for users today.